Is It Really Almost April?

As typical of my life nearing the end of college, a lot has been going on since my last update. I’ve been deeply immersed in projects and am now preparing for not one, not two, but THREE gallery shows that will be appearing at Warphaus in April and May.

This past month, my professor encouraged me to submit a proposal for the Provost’s Digital Fabrication Lab Award. To explain it better, UF has a digital fabrication lab which consists of two laser cutters, a 3D scanner, and two different types of 3D printers. For this award, five winners were given up to $1,000 each to pursue a project using the lab in some way. So, my partner and I entered with our proposal, and got a grant! Needless to say, the next few weeks will be hectic, but the ball is in motion and we’re hoping to create something amazing.

Team Two Presenting at Ad Dash!The second most notable event was Ad Dash. Last week, my group and I spent 12 hours creating an advertising campaign for the mystery client, which ended up being Aha! The Innovation CoLab, which is the brand new space in UF’s Journalism and Communications building. After an awesome presentation, we ended up making it to the final round. Sadly, our group ended up losing by one vote, so our branding wont be used, but I’m still extremely proud of what we’ve created. I’ve added a new entry under ‘Graphic Design’ that showcases the project, which can be seen here.

Other than that, I’ve just been Crest Headdressworking on the typical class stuff. Well, maybe not so typical. For my Advanced Experiments class, we did a project on wearable technology. I ended up making this crazy motorized bird headdress that is supposed to respond to the wearer’s heart rate. After spending the weekend fiddling with electronics, I still hadn’t gotten everything working like it should be, but it will definitely be completed by the time my senior show rolls around. For now, you can view a video of the Crest Headdress in action, and I promise I will post a more improved version of this in the coming month!

– N.